Loren's Blog

Things can change quickly

Yesterday I wrote about text editors. In that piece, I mentioned that iA Writer had never clicked with me. Well, today iA Writer got a nice update to 7.2. The big change is to the Library. It now has a tree view with drag and drop. Today after reorganizing my Library to take advantage of the tree view I may have discovered what caused iA to not click with me. The old Library.

In the old library if you had subfolders you had to do a lot of clicking to get to the document that you wanted. Not anymore:

Until today, iA Writer’s file browser was also straight to the point. One column. Browse, click, write. Standard. The trade-off of this simple one-column interface was that you had to use Finder to organize large projects. Unfortunately, iPhone and iPad apps have no Finder, and Files app has no tree view. It’s always that sliding column showing only one folder at a time.

With iA Writer 7.2, you can do everything in-app, across macOS, iPadOS and iOS: tree view, drag and drop, inline renaming, and plenty of right-click features from Finder. Because of a more flexible Library, iA Writer’s organization features like favorites, content blocks, hashtags, and wikilinks benefit as well.

I'm going to use iA Writer for my writing for now. One benefit of iA Writer over MarkEdit is that it's available on both iPhone and iPad as well.