Loren's Blog

The terrible twos


Our dog Trix is two years old, and since we adopted her this March, she's been showing us that the "terrible twos" aren't just for human toddlers.

Trix has strong urge to explore her world with her nose and mouth. Our home has become her playground, with shoes and socks being her favorite items to investigate. She's particularly fond of my reading glasses, having chewed through two pairs in just a few months.

Our daily walks are an adventure. Trix has to stop and sniff every new scent, from grass to fire hydrants. Of course, each new smell requires a taste test so I'm constantly taking bad things out of her mouth.

Despite the occasional destroyed item, Trix's playful nature brings us joy. Her antics with the laundry basket and her approach to playtime keep us entertained with plenty of laughs.

These early months with Trix are a mix of training, challenges, and delights, reminding us of the joys and adjustments of adopting a young, rambunctious dog.