Loren's Blog

Removing Ads from Kindle for FREE

Reading Jedda’s post about keeping a book past its due date she brought up a hack for removing ads from your Kindle that I thought was worth sharing.

📙 Bonus hack: did you buy a Kindle with ads? Typically you have to pay $20(?) to get it removed. I just called Customer Service and told them that some of these ads are inappropriate for the minor who also has access to my account. They removed it for free. Now my Kindle screensaver is the cover of the book that I am currently reading.

I do all my book reading on Kindle Paperwhite. At the time I bought it, I purchased the ad-supported version. Not being familiar with the Kindle I watched a video by Dylan Johns, titled Top 10 Kindle Tips and Tricks You NEED to Know on YouTube. His bonus tip was removing ads from your ad-supported version of the Paperwhite for FREE.

I tried Dylan’s tip, and it worked. I don’t remember all the details but I know the chat agent wanted to charge me the $20 at first but I told the person that I was hoping to get it done for free. After a few minutes, I received a notification on my Kindle that the ads had been removed.

So, if you have a Kindle with ads give Jedda’s hack a try.