Loren's Blog

Reeder: same old iCloud RSS sync issues

Lee Peterson wrote about his experience with the new Reeder app. He liked the updated interface but ran into an old issue that exists on what is now Reeder Classic: unreliable iCloud RSS feed syncing. According to Lee feeds take up to 10 minutes to refresh or fail altogether. Frustrated by the slow sync, Lee switched back to NetNewsWire.

I wondered about this issue when I read that the new Reeder app is iCloud sync only. Well, Lee answered the question for me. It’s the same old shit. Reeder’s iCloud sync is horrible. That’s why I use Feedbin, which costs me $50 per year, with Reeder Classic.

I’m not interested in the new Reeder app and am concerned about the longevity of Reeder Classic. I think I’ll start using NetNewsWire run out my Feedbin subscription and start using iCloud sync. NetNewsWire’s iCloud sync is quick and rock solid.