Loren's Blog

Rebooting My Blog: Life, Tech, & Whatever Else

Inspired by Jason McFadden and Cole Blankenship, I’m starting a new blog on the Pika platform. After blogging on WordPress since 2016, I’m ready for a fresh start. I won’t be bringing over my old posts, but if you’re curious about my previous work, here’s a link to the Archive. My past posts were primarily about technology, with a strong focus on Apple.

Loren’s Blog is my space to share my thoughts on life, technology, current events, and whatever else crosses my mind.

For years, I thought I had to post things that mattered, things people would enjoy reading about technology. I believed I needed a schedule and that all my content had to be about technology. Now that I’ve decided that I want to write about whatever the fuck I want, blogging has taken on a new life for me.

I blog for me now. If others find my writing helpful or inspiring, that’s great! If not, or if nobody reads it, that’s okay, too. The old way felt like a chore, and I never want to return to that.

Honestly, I’ll never know how many people read this blog. It has no stats, email subscription, or a way to follow it other than an RSS Feed. That’s somehow freeing!

Welcome, and happy reading!