Loren's Blog

Re: My impressions of Bear Blog

Davi Ramos

All I ever wanted was a simple blog to house my content and domain.[…] When I asked about it, most suggestions were to create a static website using something like Hugo and GitHub Pages. To be entirely clear, I do believe these were good suggestions that meant well. However, every time I tried to actually get it done, at some point I concluded that it was too much for me. I don't work with IT, and, although I clearly understand why some have good reason to believe that maintaining a static website is trivial, it never felt trivial enough for me.

The other day I wrote a post about toying with the idea of creating a Jekyll static site. I tried to get it done but in the end, I came to the same conclusion as Davi. I concluded that it required more technical knowledge than I have and I didn't want to make a mistake and fuck up my Mac.