Loren's Blog

Outcome of a Conversation with Jason

Hey friends, I had an interesting chat with Jason over the weekend, and it led me to a conclusion: my iPad was actually holding me back! I've turned it off and stashed it in a drawer for now.

Here’s that conversation:

Jason: A Battle For Tech Balance - Jason Journals

Me: Re: A Battle For Tech Balance | Loren's Blog

Jason: Others Struggle To Juggle Tech Too - Jason Journals

This revelation got me thinking about how I use my MacBook Air, and I've made some changes. Here's what I've done:

  1. Switched from Alfred to Raycast (it’s free)
  2. Relegated Drafts to capture-only (I can use the free version now)
  3. Started using MarkEdit for writing – it's a free, no-frills markdown editor that does the job perfectly
  4. Moved all my notes to simple text files in The Archive or Apple Notes
  5. Converted my journaling to markdown files (I set up a Keyboard Maestro macro that automates starting a new entry in MarkEdit)

It's funny how a few small changes can make such a big difference. I feel like I've streamlined everything, and it’s going to improve my quality of life.