Loren's Blog

Following Links

Jim Nielsen

“I saw X and I clicked it. Then I saw Y, so I clicked that. But then I went back, which led me to seeing Z. I clicked on that, which led me to an interesting article which contained a link to this other interesting piece. From there I clicked on…”

Browsing the web via hyperlinks is fun! That’s surfing!

I’ve been following Jim’s blog for a couple of years. For some reason I picked his blog to scan for something to read today and “Following Links” caught my attention. And you know what happened next. Right down the fucking rabbit hole I went. By the time I was done, I had picked 6 posts to read. Of course, those post all had links that I also had to follow and read.

Discovering things via links is way more fun than most algorithmically-driven discovery — in my humble opinion.

I agree!
