About Blogging
steve yegge - you-should-write-blogs
Even if nobody reads them, you should write them. It's become pretty clear to me that blogging is a source of both innovation and clarity. I have many of my best ideas and insights while blogging. Struggling to express things that you're thinking or feeling helps you understand them better.
That's a key thing to realize about blogging: you can't please everyone, and you won't please everyone, so focus on making yourself happy.
Kurt Vonnegut Jr., one of my all-time favorite authors, says that to be successful in writing, you should pick one person and write just for that person. Forget for the moment that other people will be reading what you write, and just write as if you're talking to that one person. It seems like good advice to me.
I never advertised my blog, and to this day I have no idea how so many people found out about it, let alone why they read it.
My blog isn't "about" anything, and although there are various running themes, I haven't tried to stick to any particular subject.
So don't worry about whether people will read it. Just write it!
Jim Nielsen - The Impressionist Blogging Movement
Now-a-days the pertinent question is: “Why continue blogging?” After all, AI seems bent on sucking up everything and give no credit where it’s due.
Blogging is expressing your impression. It’s deriving action from thought. Regardless of how much the AI sphere may not be giving thought to its actions, continued blogging in the face of that reality is deliberate action with thought — something only us humans can do. Blog. Blog against the dying of the light.